Another Round for My Friends, Hans

All right, my German is bad that’s a given, but I think they are trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me. I know how to say check please, thank you, where’s the bathroom what have you. The really, truly, honest basics of the language. If you thought German sounded bad before, let me talk to you for a while, at that point you will discover the melodic harmony of the natives.

A moment ago I was ready to be on my way, head back to Check Point Bratwurst, now that I’m a real boy (thank you thank you – I couldn’t of done it without you all) after eating at the restaurant of an old client of mine (Paulaner Bier if you must know). I liked the restaurant, real old world German food, a kind of BierGarten vibe and not too expensive. My bill was going to come to about 6 euro for a beer, two wursts and some potato salad, all tasty. I asked the waiter for my Rechnung (bill) and the waiter brought me out another beer.

Two things, its hard for me to refuse a beer and I have no idea how to say that’s not what I asked for. Guess I should learn that, when I’m sober. Normally two beers would not concern me, I’m a big boy, and can hold my alcohol pretty well, but today I order a Salvatore. The only reason I know about this beer is because as stated above, I had Paulaner as a client. This variety of hops and barley is difficult to get in the states because its so strong; but in the states they water it down some to get it to be 8.6%, in Germany its 14.6%. I wish I knew that earlier, but the first thing they do over here when you sit at a table, is ask you what you what to drink. I ordered the Salvatore and then looked at the menu. If I recall my history of the beer correctly, this is the beer the monks drank to help them get through their fasting. Yeah, because they were drunk off their collective Lutheran Asses. The beer taste like a good porter but hits you on the back of the skull with a sap, stealing your sobriety, your wallet, your woman and then kicks your dog on the way out for shits and giggles. It comes in a thick ceramic mug so that you can test your sobriety by bashing yourself in the head with it. CLANK! I felt that… still sober. Order up another round Hans. Notice how I didn’t use Hansel, I’m waiting for a Hansel, and then I will laugh as the Bugs Bunny sketch runs through my head. “Hansel? HAN-sel? HANSEL!?”

This land could be the death or resurrection of me. I still don’t know. Sit back and have another round. On Hansel.

posted by Don Taylor @ 4:29 PM,


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