Out of Her Shell
Monday, August 21, 2006
Welcome to what I hope will be our first reoccurring segment. Tidbits from the mind of the Turtle. Sit back and enjoy.
I had the oddest dream. A kingdom obsessed with meat. The royal family were all named after parts of a sandwich and then there was this guy, a peasant who was drinking something like a Capri-Sun, but written on it was NEW BACON FLAVOR. Everyone loved meat.
I have to capture one of those squirrels. Its fur is the exact shade of red I want for my hair.
posted by Don Taylor @ 11:49 AM,
- At 4:11 PM, said...
Hi Turtle--
Your dream may have been a subconscious cry for help for which I discovered a cure (or-- a cured response): BACON STRIP BANDAGES! see: http://www.mcphee.com/items/11476.html