Four Out of Five Germans Agree

Don’t you hate it when you have something fibrous stuck between your teeth? You try to pry it out with your tongue, as if it was a soggy cookie at the bottom of a glass of milk. That never seems to works, so you start to suck at it, thinking that you can create enough suction with your mighty lungs to remove it from the crevace it has inhabited. All the while you look like an idiot with your lips moving side to side, eyes rolling back in your head, odd noising germinating from your throat, all as the frustration builds up. Then comes the scheme of using something, anything, as a piece of floss; the newspaper, your car keys, a credit card, your fingernail, a Buick, but no matter what you do the infestation will not be stirred. Its removal begins to consume your thoughts. You’re driving down the road, trying to make an appointment, but instead you miss your turn because you are sucking on your teeth ensuring that not only will you look foolish at the meeting but that you will also be late. This minute bit of food has ruined your day for it consumes you and all bits of rationale thought that you have.

Last Friday, the Turtle and I went out and got ourselves a big spool of mint flavored waxed floss and removed our respective food bits from our chompers. We no longer have to worry about the nasty little morsel known as finding an apartment. We have our place firmly cemented on our minty thread.

True, I had mentioned that we found a place we liked to some of you, but we had not yet captured the illusive prey until Friday. It was an on-going struggle. A lot of contract negotiations, a lot of paper work, a lot of money changing hands, yet in the end we got everything we wanted from the place, except the ability to have a dog. That part of the contract got changed due to the current resident having a beagle that pissed off every German in a three-block radius. Looks like we’ll have a cat that we’ll teach how to bark.

The crib is hot as a skillet in the Carolina sun. Two big bedrooms, two baths (with the mandatory tub for Turtle), big living room, new kitchen, patio and a garden. Let us not forget the uber-cool garage setting, where our car will think it’s James Bond’s whip. The garage has a multi-platform elevator which the TurtleMobile will inhabit, allowing it to be revealed like it’s in some secret cave. To the Turtle-Pole!

Everything we were looking in a place, now if I could only get this kernel out from behind my molar.

posted by Don Taylor @ 7:40 PM,


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