How Much is That Dog Collar in the Window?

Excuse me how do I get to Mueller’s Bakery?
Ah, you go down here, turn right at the Adult Cinema, go about a half a block and it’s across the street from the Porn Shop.

Typical directions in the urban sprawl of Germany. Sex is not something they shy away from. You can walk into an adult store and not feel like a pervert; with the bonus of knowing the people behind the register are not living out of their mothers basement of wonder what size purse your bladder would make. They embrace sex, so now I can finally display my collection of Lucite and leather dildos with pride. I can lay them out and be the source of much envy and desire without having to worry about being smited by others. Hi Mom.

Being over on stateside it gets you down to know that might is right, schlong is wrong. Most Americans love violence. We play violent video games, participate in violent sports (ya think football ain’t vicious Vivianne?), watch violent movies, and lionize violent men, but if one of them show their bathing suit area on television may the wrath of the Lord fall upon them and cause their nether regions to blister, wither and flitter off.

Think about this, the colonies, before they were the colonies, were populated by those that left Europe because of religious persecution. The Pilgrims left England because the Catholics persecuted them for being too conservative. Let me say that again. The Pilgrims, our forefathers, hopped on a leaky ship because they wanted to practice their beliefs, which were consider far too conservative by the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church, the ones who state homosexuality bad, self-love bad, sex-before-marriage bad, doggie bad. You might as well tie that thing off cause you ain’t using it for nothin’.

What is the number one grossing R rated movie in American cinema? Think. The answer is The Passion of the Christ. That movie was far more graphic then any porno I have ever seen. Horror movie directors hold that movie up as a paragon of torture cinema verite. It’s nasty. But still the old morale saturated U-S-of-A would rather watch a man being filleted alive that watch a woman having multiple orgasms brought on by 12 inch vibrator at the end of a steam-powered piston. Hi again Mom. Thanks for the batteries.

Why is it that we keep our carnal desires and fetishes in the closet but proudly display our bloodlust over the mantle? I say that we change this ideology. Every one of us, not just the bigwigs in power or the church groups, or the FCC – if we all just stop trying to fuck over, up, down, sideways, in the ear what ever confronts us and actually just enjoy a blissful orgasm, things might not be so bad. Half the time the male must destroy attitude comes from a whole hell of a lot of sexual tension, disillusionment and frustration.

All I’m trying to say is its time for the States to reconsider what we think is right. To reassess what are the answers. To readdress what is moral and what is not. Hell there is a book that most American hold on high as the Strunk and White of ethics and I think there are two lines in it that are pretty close together in its passages. Theres something about not killing and love conquering all. If I recall it was written by Lennon.

Hi Mom.

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posted by Don Taylor @ 12:24 PM,


At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want I can print that out and send it to Mom.

By the way, you silly Git, if it's a steam powered vibrator then why does it need batteries???

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Don Taylor said...

The batteries are actually for the LED garter belt which constanly updates the barrel price of crude oil. Duh.


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