Loose Ends

Just a few random things, much more lifelike than a cohesive single thought entry, but then again… first my death has been greatly exaggerated. I as you can read I was neither on the high-speed German train that derailed or turned into a meal of the undead.

As for last week’s diversion from the norm, I would love to know what you, my faithful readers thought. It all stemmed from me having an atrocious; unable to swallow sore throat and never leaving CheckPoint Bratwurst for most of the week, ah now its all coming together isn’t it? I ask for there are many other tales I can tell, which are brimming in my brain. An ongoing series where Turtle and I play a sort of Thin Man of the supernatural.

And if you have never seen The Thin Man movies, I suggest you do. Great comic timing and dialogue.

Other point of note, this blog, IMs and emails from me will in all likelihood be coming to a pause for approximately a month. Hopefully less. With the move to our new home we have to establish landline phone and DSL, and from what we have heard it takes somewhere between a week to a month. The Germans are exacting on all things except utility hook-ups and queuing. And queuing is point of another entry. How exciting, hmm?

Get your letters in now, I know you all miss me. And if you want to drop a line I can let you all know when I am back and make more snide comments about the Old Worlde. And to make your lives all the more convenient, aren’t I swell, the address is right here . Clicky, clicky people.

That’s all for today, more sophomoric humor and snide annotations tomorrow.

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posted by Don Taylor @ 1:47 PM,


At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a country new to you and you're worried about DSL hook-up. That's so wrong.


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